Amateur Radio Operator

12 Aug 2020

From Technician to General

After passing my Technician exam, I enjoyed messing with VHF/UHF for a bit, until the 2020 ARRL Field Day. My local club, the Winona ARC, hosted our local event and I was addicted to HF. I operated FT8, FT4, and made two SSB contacts on 40m that weekend.

After passing my Technician exam, I enjoyed messing with VHF/UHF for a bit, until the 2020 ARRL Field Day. My local club, the Winona ARC, hosted our local event and I was addicted to HF. I operated FT8, FT4, and made two SSB contacts on 40m that weekend.

Just after Field Day I tried taking the exam, but not having studied enough, I failed and had to give up that thought for a bit and just study up.

One night in August I decided to sign up to test in the middle of the night for the next morning for another online test. This time I passed and became KF0ACN/AG until the next day when my record was updated in the FCC ULS.

The interface by HamStudy looked different this time, but the process was more or less the same as previous. I have my HF rig and will be trying out the OMISS net tonight on 40m with my 55ft end-fed half-wave.


Next time, we'll talk about "If at first you don't succeed... turn on the amplifier!"