Amateur Radio Operator

28 Jun 2020

Skywarn June 28, 2020

Today Skywarn was asked to deploy in Winona County in Minnesota due to a super cell that had potential for bad weather (Tornado Watch was in effect).

As others were observing the storm from their vantage point once it got to our area, a funnel was observed and then more funnel clouds were observed trying to make contact with the ground. Ultimately, one made it to the ground (Tornado Warning was issued) and sirens went off within seconds of the spot.

Just outside of town the funnels dissipated and the remainder of the funnel floated itself over town. I can’t begin to describe the experience of being part of this and the short amount of time where things went down and changed.


You can hear the chatter from W0NE Skywarn in the short videos above.

Next time, we'll talk about "It's not broke! I just haven't gotten around to it yet..."